
Anita the Ballerina
The Black Swan
Tiny but Mighty
Hailing from: New York
Height: 5’ 0”
Weight: 110 lbs.
Signature Moves
Don’t Tell Me to Smile: instep stomp, elbow to gut, heel of hand upward into nose
The Nutcracker: DTMTS, but when the ref isn't looking, knee to the groin
Fouettés of Fury: fouetté turns with a superkick to the abdomen
The Russian Dance: jump ropes over a folding chair, smashing her opponent with each downward swing, while using chest as a springboard
Illusion Kicks: illusion turns with kicks up into the face; inspired by Sanguine Arcane
Tag Team Special
Pas de Pain: a fastball special, where she's thrown into the ropes by her partner for momentum as she hurtles, like a spinning top, into her opponent, fists/elbows first
Illusion Kicks a deux: Illusion Kicks, but adds ankle grabs on the downward swing of abdomen to her other opponent
The Swan Dive: a corkscrew moonsault with some added acrobatic flair on the ropes
Ladies, Anita is here to show you all that you don't need all those men in your lives! You're doing fine on your own. Get her on the ropes and she'll use her flexibility, grace, and surprising force to take down the biggest and the baddest, just like how you dumped your last ex, that cheating bastard. Because Anita is here for you. She'll even bring the ice cream, as long as you share. She might be a former ballerina, but don't underestimate her strength: this Black Swan has these boys wrapped around her finger... right before she crushes them beneath her tiny feet.
Outside the Ring
Anita O’Connell was born and raised in a small suburb in Long Island, but she’ll tell you New York. The only girl in a family with three brothers, and the youngest (explaining her natural survival instinct to always be eating), her mother, desperate for some feminine pursuits in the family, enrolled her in a rigorous ballet school at the tender age of 3, involving her in competitive dance shortly after.
When she wasn’t in school or at ballet, she was goofing off and rough housing with her brothers; despite being the smallest among them, she was able to hold her own, frequently showing up to ballet class with light bruises that told the story of her conquests (meaning she also mastered makeup at a very early age). She took to ballet somewhat naturally: everyone told her she should try for the City Ballet, so that’s what she did. But deep down, she really wanted to just be back in the backyard, wrestling with her brothers. Even with her small stature, very slender figure, and amazing technical skill, Anita never advanced past one of the Corps de Ballet due to her wide-set hips; other dancers and choreographers often mocked her physical appearance (which was just fine, thank you very much).
At the age of 22, her mother having recently passed away, Anita left the City Ballet and headed west to join an indie wrestling circuit, with the encouragement of her father and brothers. After working her way up through the ranks, she found a tag team partner, and good friend, in Sanguine Arcane during Wild Cards. The nature of their relationship was always platonic; however, management thought a romantic relationship would increase ticket sales, and the pair shrugged and rolled with it, working it into their tag team bouts. Shortly before joining AAW, they had a public “breakup,” but, as before, remain good friends.