Sanguine Arcane
Hurricane Arcane
Conductor of the Pain Train
Sorcerer of Undying Flame
Blood Prince of the Void
Hailing from: Parts Unknown (but has a Southern accent)
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 200 lbs.
Signature Moves
Boots of Levitation: a surprise one-handed flapjack reversal
Sanguine Drop: a reversal where the rush-into is countered by slipping to the side, gently holding them by the face and shifting forward so that the opponent's own momentum puts them horizontal in midair and drops them flat on their back
Ars Arcana #1: A Five Moves of Doom-style wind-up combo culminating in either an oonage ring-out throw or a cascading arm lock into a Scorpion pin, described as "wind" and "water" variants; fire and earth have yet to be revealed
Real magic has come to AAW. Sanguine Arcane, hailing from parts unknown, was once a man (or woman) like you. He ate food, he paid taxes, and he prayed that death and strife would forget him. But one day he stumbled upon a secret... and that secret has changed him forever. Now he is master of Five-Element Internal Alchemy; Controller of Man, Earth, and Heaven; and Conduit of Kharmic Justice. Don't let his size fool you—Sanguine Arcane wields forces we can only imagine, sending much larger fighters flying and bringing seasoned opponents to their knees. Luckily, he seems intent on wielding them for the sake of the people. Time will only tell whether absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Outside the Ring
Mr. R. Cane hails from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, though his accent features a more Georgian lean. He is a third dan blackbelt in Aikido, though by his own admission he's dabbled in a few other grapple arts over the years.
Something of an anachronist in the professional wrestling circuit, he's had a hard time finding a consistent place to display his talents as organizer after organizer told him that "what you do isn't wrestling" or "the whole magician thing is played out". He is, therefore, significantly more grateful for the opportunity to be a stable member of AAW than he might otherwise be, even if he is quietly dreading the moment when someone comes to tell him the dream is over and the fans don't want him anymore. For other wrestlers this would just indicate a need for a heel-turn, but Mr. Cane genuinely dislikes causing harm to others if he can help it, and it is impossible to get as far in any physically intensive sport as he has without developing a huge respect for people who have been doing it for years. During his indie days he had a single match under his Heel angle of Blood Prince of the Void, where he finished the match by using a move called "The Arcane-o" which was essentially a spinning RKO designed to counter spinning high-flying finishers. "The Blood Prince" won the match, but permanently injured his opponent's spine, after which the heel angle had to be abandoned because nobody could disguise that Mr. Cane was visiting his fallen opponent in the hospital and insisting on paying the medical bill.
Mr. Cane is here to do two things: entertain like every night is the last night of his career, and show power and honor unified in a medium rife with social contention and moral grays.