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Once upon a time, at Big Bad Con 2016, three friends and a stranger sat down at a table for a totally unscheduled game of World Wide Wrestling, a Powered by the Apocalypse RPG.


The characters that were created that night and the story that unfolded, specifically Ron "The Real Deal" Steele's ascension to AAW Champion, are consigned to legend because, well, we didn't realize this would be A Thing until we were in it, and didn't bring any recording equipment to the table. But for those with an interest in history, here's what happened at Insert PPV Name Here:




SHOW OPEN: Nashville TN, a rather packed room for an important night in Ace Alley Wrestling. The longtime champ, Nero Santana, comes out to the ring with his AAW Championship belt and Ace Andrews. He remarks about a recent injury, and how he is reluctantly going to relinquish his title. Ace accepts, and issues a Fatal Four Way for the belt between Vengeance, Tammy "The Guzzler", Raptor, and Joe Crank for the Main Event.


It'd been remarked that Santana had been headhunted to work at another federation full time, and may have used his injury as an excuse to leave AAW for a while. When he recovers, we'll see if he returns.


MATCH : Raptor Vs. Ron "The Real Deal" Steele 
Started with standard fare from Ron. Start with early pressure, let the babyface overcome the odds, and then become overwhelmed with Raptor's aerial attacks. One Bird Of Prey later, and it's over.


Winner via Pinfall: Raptor


Though these two may have been tag partners in the past, it's obvious that Raptor has a bright future ahead of him. Raptor's not exactly known for his mic work, but he looked quite good against perennial loser Steele. Ron, however, really impressed the crowd tonight. He may always lose, but at least he puts on a damn fine match.


BACKSTAGE: Tom Spiracy goes backstage to find Joe Crank for his interview, but instead finds him locked in a bathroom puking his guts out.


MATCH: Vengeance vs. Tammy "The Guzzler" under Hardcore Rules

When Tammy came out with a Confederate Flag and her beer helmet, the crowd got a little nervous. As the match went on however, it was clear that Babyface Vengeance was going to cross over into full on heel mode with the brutality he used against her. Tammy would withstand as much of the onslaught as possible, but Vengeance knew that if he took her out in this match, she wouldn't pose a threat to his title shot later that night against her, Raptor, and Joe. One bomb over the top rope into her barbed wire (and mouse teeth laden, according to Lance) shopping cart of hardcore toys later, Tammy is unable to get back into the ring before the count of 10. Vengeance comes out the winner.


Winner via Count-out: Vengeance


BACKSTAGE SEGMENT : Tom and Raptor discuss Raptor's win against Ron and looks on to his main event match tonight. Raptor thinks his odds of winning are really good, considering his match didn't take as much out of him as Vengeance and Tammy took out of each other. In the background, Ron is being spoken to by Dale, but it's hard to make out what is being discussed. Is that foreshadowing, or shoddy camerawork?


MATCH: Vengeance vs Raptor vs Tammy The Guzzler vs Joe Crank

Vengeance, Raptor, and Tammy all enter the ring, but as Joe's music hits, he doesn't emerge. The three competitors stand in the ring a bit confused as the music hits again, but Joe doesn't come out. Ace's music pops on and he emerges from the back and informs us that Joe is suffering from food poisoning and will be unable to compete tonight. However, they paid to see a Fatal Four Way, and by god, they'll have it. Match is remade.


(New) MATCH: Vengeance vs. Raptor vs. Tammy the Guzzler vs. Ron "The Real Deal" Steele 

The combatants of their previous matches begin by pummeling each other. Ron against Raptor, and Vengeance against Tammy (Now sporting a head bandage from her match earlier in the night). Steele is tossed out of the ring and Tammy is tossed to land on top of him, taking them both out for a bit. Vengeance starts stomping away at Raptor, but Tammy comes back in with a German Suplex on Vengeance. Ron climbs in and clotheslines Tammy and goes for a near fall, then tries of Raptor for another near fall, and then tries on Vengeance for another near fall. All three competitors kicking out without assistance. Raptor takes to the skies and dropkicks Ron right back out of the ring as Tammy gets to her feet. The two brawl for a bit before Raptor knocks Tammy over the top rope onto the floor. He goes for a Bird Of Prey splash off the turnbuckle and lands it. Meanwhile Vengeance is up and Ron stumbles back into the ring. Vengeance runs at him for his Break From Society, but Ron masterfully counters it into a roll up for a shocking and surprising win for Ron. So shocking, I swear the referee held his third count for an entire extra count before slamming it down.


Winner via Pinfall and NEW CHAMPION: Ron "The Real Deal" Steele


A shocking swerve finish. I'm pretty sure everyone watching expected Vengeance to walk out the champ, but this was some very creative booking to give someone like Steele the belt.


IN RING PROMO: As Ron held his hand and the championship high, with quite a bit of shock on his face, Vengeance went to shake his hand. As Ron accepted, Vengeance punches him in the face, dropping the new champ. Vengeance then picks up the belt and spikes it off of him before storming off.


That's Insert Name Of PPV Here. If this is how they're getting started, I look forward to seeing where they go from here. What did you think of the show? 




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