Back Alley Brawl, 4/9/17
Hey AAW fans! We're healthy again and back on schedule as AAW rolls on toward DESTRUCTIVE IMPULSES on April 23rd!
The April 9th edition of Back Alley Brawl opened in the ring, with Tom Spiracy introducing Belladonna Blitz, the new talent whose video package aired last week. The same hard-flamenco/techno beat sounds out through the arena as Belladonna makes her first entrance. She is much as the video hinted, a young woman with long, purple-streaked black hair; she arrives in an impressive swirl of purple and white flamenco skirts that she ditches in seconds, revealing black-and-purple camo ring gear before a no-nonsense charge into the ring. She's already showing off some impressive speed and cardio.
MATCH: Belladonna Blitz vs. Amie Rose. The match starts with the two women circling, then quickly explodes into a speed contest. Amie gets the initial offense before Blitz comes back with some stiff kicks that back Amie into a corner; Blitz a one-count off a missile dropkick before Amie mounts a comeback and gets a one of her own with a Rainstorm, then superkicks her way out of a Blitz rally and almost gets up for the Rose Buster before Blitz roundhouses her down and goes into a nearly abusive series of dropkicks, leg drops, and running kicks and knees that ends with Amie mostly unconscious on the mat before Blitz goes up in the corner and comes down with a flipping double stomp that Dan sells as the Orbital Strike, and pins Rose with a single foot and a sneer for the three-count. The audience makes their displeasure as known as their previous respect for the two women's athleticism.
We cut to a video package, where Vengeance, the Cleric of the Grey Lady in tow, does a nice little monologue before he announces that they will be facing the team of Anna Masters and Marty at Destructive Impulses. A second video follows, with an out-of-breath Tom speaking to Ace Andrews, who says that while he appreciates Vengeance's desire to get a tag match at Destructive Impulses, and he'll be giving it to him, he's also demanding the so-called Knight of the Grey Lady appear for tonight's main event, where he'll be facing potential #1 contender Nero Santana.
Speaking of Marty: MATCH: Marty vs. Thick Bigness. Marty comes out to an impressive reception for a newcomer, still sporting his amateur wrestling gear, including, yes, the headgear. Thick Bigness strides to the ring after him, and they enter into a collar-and-elbow-tieup that Marty actually almost succeeds in turning into a small package before Thick reverses into a short-arm clothesline. Marty continues valiantly trying to bring down the Bigness, and nearly gets there several times thanks to a neckbreaker, a running bulldog that basically turns into a rear lariat, and later on a guillotine choke that actually gets Thick down on one knee before he hoists Marty and nails a sitout powerbomb that Marty sells like death. Three-count, and Thick Bigness still has not been stopped by anything short of a foreign object.
MAIN EVENT: Vengeance vs. Nero Santana. Vengeance, introduced with his title "The Knight of the Grey Lady," comes out before Nero, who looks absolutely furious and intense. The two put on a very impressive, hard-hitting match, with both men hitting power moves but repeatedly passing up chances for pinfalls to instead drag their opponents up for more. Nero gets a two-count off a Fall of Rome, but Vengeance kicks out and gives him a nasty forearm smash that allows him to take over and hit an Outcast DDT for a two-count of his own. The bout swings back and forth, plenty of counters for both men, until the Cleric of the Grey Lady gets up on the apron and provides a distraction; Nero rakes the eyes and tries to set up for a Burning Fiddle, but Vengeance gets down and treats Nero to a low blow, giving him space to hit the Break from Society. The Cleric finally relents, and the ref turns back around to drop the three-count and give Vengeance the pin.
That's all for this week! DESTRUCTIVE IMPULSES is shaping up, with two matches now booked:
The Knights of the Grey Lady (Vengeance and the Cleric of the Grey Lady) vs. Anna Masters & Marty
Triple Threat Match: Ron "the Real Deal" Steele vs. Madame Destrova vs. Nero Santana, with the winner becoming #1 contender to Marcus Smart's AAW World Championship! We'll see you next week with the go-home show, and then at DESTRUCTIVE IMPULSES, Sunday, April 23rd, at 1pm!